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News and interesting articles for normal people. Without the pull of polarising opinions.

I, like many others have become fed up with the growing polarisation of society - not just in the political sphere - but on many issues that will shape the future of humanity.

Media conglomerates used to deliver information to people. Now, they deliver a slanted commentary on this information, to keep their viewership and revenue up.

This however, is my attempt to help shift the tide - to create a society that values disagreement, debate and human unity.

I will write articles on topic that interest me - particularly surrounding politics, philosophy and economics, all of which I have studied. I will also write about what I am reading, with bite sized, easy to digest book summaries.

Enjoy, and join the new normal!

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Subscribe to Modern Logic with Jacob Newsletter

Bite-sized articles on interesting topics, current issues and books that I'm reading + news for normal people, without the pull of polarising opinions. Join me!


News for normal people… Politics, Economics and the Philosophy of Living